STATUE IS A HUMAN OR LIVING? It's magic, is a work of art in itself.
The English Association and Community Living Statues and Human Statues
reports that the art of human statues requires a specific technique in the disclina mime artist is. Mimo
involves gestural art, therefore it is best to use makeup.
The gesture is important to wear the face, hands and body.
The Technique was created by the French mime.
Today there are many people who think it is easy, but it is not. The body hurts
must know how to breathe well to oxygenate the muscles, preventing them from being filled lactic acid and no muscle cramps or exhaustion, the body must be in total relaxation when the statue is art. This technique
agreed breathing, concentration, balance, harmony, there are diets that make potash and iron.
Boby In this picture, is the only statue in the world that is suspended in the air
has added a further element to the statue that is the magic arts.