THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF STATUES AND COMMUNITY LIVING HUMAN-O-has a room for clothes storage Padron plays en Plaza 3 - 2nd G-Local-Barrio del Pilar-Madrid.
The Association was founded in Madrid in 2006 - as time goes by we grow much more in our action, solidarity and accomplishing the goals we've set in the founding statutes. Achieving
respect the recognition of our artistic activity. That there permissibility
public roads policing for artistic activities to cap, meeting strict standards of conduct. Sharing
In addition, part asian hospitals to visit the children every two or three months.
If you want more information or associate call: 917311017-606071935
In 2006 a group of performers living in Madrid, decided to create this association, wich is still growing step by step, working indeed about many points. Three of them are:
• To get a National regulation protecting street performers and theatrical activities, respecting free use of public spaces.
• To be together in thinking and working about our responsabilities and rights.
• To produce and support cultural activities in social sense.
The association is actually recognized in Spain and European Community jurisdictions.
We invite you to visit us in or in our blog
mail: info@estatuasvivientesteatro.com
We´ll be glad to receive your comments and suggestions,
If you like to contact our employment office, please do it by mail to
paulanoviel@hotmail.com or by phone (0034)606071935
We can attend all kind of artistic disciplines further than living statues.

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