Friday, January 14, 2011

Will Expired Vigamox Work

motivated hires only ...

Sounds simple. But the best way to have motivated people on your team is to hire those who are motivated themselves.

Everything starts with the selection interview. If you run the selection interview, try to minimize the anticipated questions that the interviewee's answers, or answers that are obvious.

Instead of those questions, ask questions to uncover the true personality of the interviewee. Make unexpected questions. People

good, motivated and unmotivated love you, will make them feel more and more uncomfortable.

All interviewees try to answer thinking of getting employment. But your job is to not let that happen.

One way to find the real person is what is called layered questions (Layering questions) and open-ended.

For example.

A. Why did you leave company X?
B. I had too many challenges by layer
Question: Interesting, tell me more about the company X as it was for you to work there?
B. It was rough, was not comfortable
Question by layer. Why do you think affected work there?
B. My manager was a micro manager
A. Very interesting, tell me more about it if possible ... Basically the question

spor layers are a requirement for your subject beyond the story just told
You ask him to continue, continue, continue, to tell you more.

by CAAP questions after a while they discover the true person. These are questions that were not known in advance and break
role playing or conversation typical job interview. Another example

A. How was your weekend?
B. A. Well
What is a weekend typical for you?

A. So says your resume that you have specialized in engineering ..
B. If
A. If you had to change the way we teach engineering, you would change?

A. If you were asked back to lead the company from which you just give up, that's the first thing you do? Maintains

interview with uncertain questions so you'll have more information about the true personality of the interviewee.

and how it would work with you.

The best way to create a highly motivated team is to hire people who are already motivated.


Bibliography. "100 Ways to MOTIVATE others". Steve Chandler. Scott Richardson. Career Press. NJ. 2008


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