Friday, March 25, 2011

Best Laser Printer In India

Movistar Possible new business to get us

This reached me via email and do not know if it's true or a hoax. I do not use Movistar, so I do not know, but just in case it is true and can interest people working with that company, put the matter here.

As a forwarded message from one to another, do not know if that time dating ("Since last Sunday ...") made some sense at the time or is the demonstration that is not true. I think it's very rare that you spread the word to text ... -------------------------------------------------
Since last Sunday Movistar is activating a new service

"Notice of Missed Calls" I have seen in my own bill. >
Until now, when we call a Movistar Mailbox had activated, and I jumped at least charged establishment of call in addition to appropriate pricing based on the time 're leaving the message. So most people will disable the Voicemail. >
If Movistar you called did not have the mailbox on, kept ringing until it was cut (of course without charging anything) and the recipient received an SMS: "CALL. LOST mie, 02 - 16:26 a call from XXXXXXXXX " no cost to anyone. >
With this new "Service" when you call a no mailbox Movistar after few ringtones, skip a phrase that says you can leave a voice message that will reach the target translated text as SMS (indeed very well done, with their periods, commas, question marks ... as the intonation of your voice). What you notice is not charged as any calls (more tariff setting in seconds). words without informing you, not eating or drinking, you put a voicemail to continue raising without your consent. >
To disable it you must call 22217. With the option 1 leave the "Service Missed Call Alert" as always not allow you to called to leave a voice message that is received as SMS, but it cobrancomo establishment + rating. Immediately receive a message from 22221: "The service Missed Call Alert has been activated. Thank you for using this service."


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