A priest is driving when he sees a nun standing at the side of the road waiting for the bus. The priest stops and offers to take her to the nearest town. The nun agrees and puts the luggage in the back seat. When sitting, your habit is opened a little and shows a beautiful leg.
When the priest warns him about an accident, get control of the car but can not resist the temptation and puts his hand on her leg.
The nun looks at the priest and says, "Father, remember Psalm 129.
The priest removed his hand quickly and apologized, but his eyes are reluctant to stop looking at the leg, so soon after, his hand jumps from the shift lever to the knee this time the nun: - Father, remember Psalm 129 - reiterates the nun.
The priest, annoyed, pulls her hand and tries to apologize: - The flesh is weak, sister ...
arrive at their destination and she looks to cure significantly and thanks you for having come to its destination. The priest continues his journey and when it reaches its destination runs to see what it says Psalm 129.
Psalm 129: "Go ahead and try. Will reach the glory."
Conclusion: Be informed as possible about issues with their work or stand to lose great opportunities.
Source: http://www.sht.com.ar/archivo/humor/lecciones.htm
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