Yes, that is, without doubt, just as there Inept Managers also populate the Employees Inept firms, and are even more common than previous ones and are more puzzling the reasons why are still active on the payroll of the organizations.
inept employees are nothing more that individuals, regardless of their place in the company, not only do their job half done, with results of dubious quality, but that delay or hinder the practice of others.
Everyone knows who they are, they are easy to identify: they tend to show two distinctive aspects: the first is shown at the end occupied with desks full of papers, notes, documents and anything that suggests how much work that remains, together with expressions that indicate the lack of time and extra things to do, or are involved in the project appears, meetings, visits or activities that are far from the company premises and are the perfect excuse for failing to complete time assignments.
Of course there are variations and different and interesting combinations that significantly broadens the characteristics own who may be branded as inept employees.
However, the inability to be referred directly refers to the absence of value addition to administrative processes and production of goods and services of the company or organization where these individuals are present, and not to the capacity or not to have certain people in your profession.
inept employees they manage to look like ordinary workers, even some people spend twelve to fourteen hours at the site daily, so those who have not yet identified the brand as tireless and exemplary. But those who share with him directly or they manage to observe its deficiencies, feints or excuses not understand why companies keep them active.
The reasons may be as varied as implausible, ranging from the belief on the part of those responsible, to be in front of an asset to the company, links to social, familial and even political and economic factors that "someone" has with them.
One of the most common explanations that have been obtained during a study carried out to establish the reality of this phenomenon lies in that "for some things such employees is relevant" to delve into the details could be known that among them, stand out:
1. Are sycophants, do not rule out participating in different activities but ultimately end up doing nothing in them.
2. Because the staff knows many people, thus providing the link.
3. Although they often have such inept mental agility to certain situations that contribute to observe scenarios that have not been explored.
4. Serve as fill when the case requires it because who claim to know the business better than their authentic founders ... and the craziest of all:
5. They are the perfect excuse to justify the lack of improvements based on that increase would be unfair to others and they do not.
Such claims have been expressed by or companies responsible for different units, who are fully aware of the existence of these employees in their ranks, but are repeated in different scenarios, it means they are unique characteristics of these individuals, the truth is that it is incomprehensible that there inept employees in companies that the managers of the aforementioned inept. However
and to provide some aspects that provide more detailed identification, will be listed as follows:
• They are very social and always have something to say, or are quiet and distant, complaining about the company constantly or occasionally.
• Always have an excuse inteligente que justifica de manera momentánea sus deficiencias o incumplimientos, usualmente asociadas a actividades relacionadas con el trabajo.
• Son los primeros en ofrecerse en labores que no le competen, pero que lo acercan a personas con niveles de decisión importante.
• Parecen saber lo que hacen o dicen, pero sus frases o productos son el resultado del parafraseo de opiniones, comentarios o trabajos ajenos… entre otras tantas.
Cuando en el pasado artículo hablé de los Gerentes Ineptos, no faltó quien de manera inmediata identificara a quienes encajaban, sino completamente, con un buen porcentaje de similitud, en la descripción que hice… ahora resultaría Interestingly, those who made this year, looking for matches again after reading this work. By Felix Relief
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