According to the company's annual study Jobvite, most companies are leaving bulletin boards at work and addressing the social media as the main tool of personal search. The report, Survey of personal search social Jobvite 2010 was based on an online survey conducted by 600 people between May and June, and these are some of the results: Of the
respondents who are actively looking for employees this year, 92% said they "currently use or plan to use" social networks to find new workers. Meanwhile, spending on traditional tools such as job advertisements and human resource companies has declined or remained constant in most cases.
is not surprising that the social networking site used by companies to find staff is LinkedIn (78%), followed by Facebook (55%). The site has experienced the strongest growth is Twitter, which was not even a speck on the radar when Jobvite conducted this survey for the first time in 2008, but this year used 45% of respondents.
Most companies looking for employees to review social media presence of a candidate as part of the review process, and 38% indicate they are always looking for the candidate profiles on social networks, and 32% only do so times.
One thing that indicates that the relationship between jobs and social media is not just advertising, the survey revealed that 58% of companies have actually hired employees through social networking sites.
Source: Journal of Science and Technology Published by abc
Human Resources Thursday, July 22, 2010
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