human resources have fallen into social networks, and is not a fad. Managers, professionals, candidates and, especially, most young people have succumbed to an environment designed to share knowledge and that it is a means of training and recruitment.
If you do not know what Facebook, Tuenti, Twitter, Xing and LinkedIn is not in this world. In recent years, social networks have been extended so that it is difficult to remain detached from them. The first who did not want to overlook opportunities Web 2.0 companies have been. They found a bonanza for training, internal communication, information sharing, recruitment and, in general, people management. The employee portal is in danger of extinction and now commands 2.0. Companies like IBM, Banesto, Accenture Acciona or using this channel as usual.
U.S. multinational has Thinkplace, a space that allows the generation of ideas and orderly transformation of the network, and a couple of years ago created Banesto Professional GPS (Sustained Professional Progression Guide), a digital roadmap to which all staff can access the bank through the intranet. For his part, Acciona launched its Employment Channel, an online platform where the group publishes all its job openings and provides a bidirectional communication channel between companies and candidates.
Others, such as Alcatel Lucent, have also exploited the potential of 2.0 to launch Engage, a social platform for business. The multinational company set aside more specialized tools in microblogging but it offers more comprehensive collaboration capabilities such as shared documents, creating groups and projects, launch polls, etc.. Now everything is 2.0.
Each year the number of organizations turn to 2.0 for train, recruit and manage people. Overlook the potential of this tool is to lose employees and applicants
The era of collaboration
Robert J. Thomas, executive director of the Institute for High Performance Accenture, says that "social networks are more reliable than Google." To confirm its efficacy gives the example of a director of a research center of a pharmaceutical company had to downsize the area of \u200b\u200binnovation and development: "Seek advice to colleagues in your network of contacts, and through them , managed to speak with the director of the Royal Opera Holland. It faced a similar case of having to cut five to three orchestras. "Thomas says that the pharmaceutical executive thus gained access to a very innovative solution.
And not just management. A recent study confirms that Adecco Training Tool 2.0 is the future of training. This is the opinion of 80% of those responsible for that area, which considers its allies. However, it is surprising that today less than 15% of organizations use them, mainly large companies. It is clear that much remains way to go, but the road is now open. Each year the number of organizations using the 2.0 to train, recruit and manage people. To ignore the potential This tool is losing employees and candidates.
Source: http://justpeopleconsulting.blogspot.com/
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