Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stretch For Degenerative Disc

The people are the most important part of our organization and other HR lies

Sometimes I have the feeling of "deja vu" I repeat, we repeat that no progress has been made nothing or very little. Bill Taylor recently in HBR reminded us almost "mythical" number of Fast Company five years ago: "Why we hate HR?", Which commented on the frustration felt by HR managers themselves . by the lack of leadership in their role and how this situation persists. And of course, because it does not always make it a popular area and credible.

On the fifth anniversary of the publication of that analysis that gave a lot to talk about, again the question arises as to why the CEO that the dinners with profound gravity that remind us that people are most important organizations, and then it would seem that if by magic, this message disappears. Why many have a strange feeling that organizations dedicated to spreading lies about the shared organizational people management "politically correct."

article in Fast Company spoke and the lack of leadership function of the frustration that caused the non-managing well the organizational skills.

key element: leaders, "the coats"
and other "classical talent management"

The key issue of human resources management, and that causes more frustrations, is management talent, translated into a language known by all means:

* Why the most incompetent up (sometimes)?
* Why the major contributors are not as valued as the "most aligned"?
* Why is there so much hidden talent?
* Why do we miss the huge talents of many people?
* Why do we allow organizational areas live whole "with great pain" and wasted because the leaders are not true leaders?

The truth is we all know that if we make three sales, and one is inadequate, only talk about the poor, not talk about the other two. And is that the demand on these issues by all is very high, as the "domestic injustice, which has an enormous subjectivity, creates an extraordinary bad weather, especially if there is injustice in the overhead choice of People should exercise his leadership over others.

all know: there is no worse desatre for an organization, or create more unhappiness and financial impact, to choose a leader who is not suitable for an organizational area. The operation of equipment, collaboration, corporate culture, employee satisfaction, the results ... everything depends on this decision. Indeed, it is the key aspect of talent management.

The truth is that every time we call "leaders" more features, some feel superhuman powers, a demand for some disproportionate ... but unfortunately we are in a world with new keys, but where quality policy is the key to corporate survival.

Three simple steps to manage the telent

only requires three simple guidelines: uncover the hidden talent development and promotion.

1. Uncover and inventory
talent: the first thing to do is "inventory" our talent. For this, the input of managers is this, "one input", we can not leave it to one person or two, perhaps with a low awareness of other organizational areas, this decision. In addition to that usually have a high "emotional involvement" in these types of decisions that we try to filter. Set

where is the talent, understood in different ways (the theme is not just being a good boss, you may be an excellent technician), and ensure that "there plugged talent, requires sophisticated technology assessment, but obligatory: Management audit , Assesments, 360 º, Development Center ...

2. Develop the potential talent:
demand too much of our directors and project managers, we ask more and more, but does not "educate" on how to do and how you can manage the difficulty required to have such powers. In college do not teach, or what you usually show your boss, nobody tells you how you can get enormously complex patterns, on the other hand, are considered mandatory.

Come with people who have potential and not let their mistakes and are exclusively experience the only source of learning. We are sure that those who really are considered potential. Mentoring programs, internal or external development, etc.

3. Promote and accompany the best: less spontaneous act of an organization, the more planned, should be to manage managers. Jack Welch, someone who is considered the paradigm of leader, the CEO of General Electric, said it spent 30% of their time developing other leaders, and recommended to do the same. I admit that when I said this in a leadership workshop provoked laughter.

But we can not dramatically increase the demand for managers and ask them to "inspire" who "believe dreams", while they get "every day better," "to develop new leaders" and other things almost impossible, and expected to have born that way. Without giving them support or development. It sounds ridiculous, and this really causes laughter (at least to me).

would be unfair to say that there has been no progress, although most apparently no progress. For many, these "apparently" three sencillos pasos serán enormemente complejos de llevar a cabo en sus organizaciones y probablemente tienen razón...

Bueno, de aquí a cinco años volveré a escribir otro artículo diciendo lo mismo que ya decimos desde hace más de una década, y recordaré por qué RR.HH. defrauda las expectativas de la personas en las organizaciones.

Recordaré por qué esta área genera tantas fustraciones. especialmente, y desgraciadamente entre sus propios directivos. Recordaré que algunos “aparentemente sencillos pasos” podían evitar buena parte de esta situación. Recordaré por qué en las organizaciones muchos piensan que los discursos humanistas sobre gestión de senior management people are just that, speeches, and why it sounds like other lies HR Any idea how to change the situation?

For Virginio Garcia Yebra


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